Audrey and Brian Blaine – Married

September 09, 2011  •  Leave a Comment

Torrey Pines Engagement Photos

Audrey and Brian tied the not on August 6th, 2011 and had a beautiful wedding, with the ceremony at USD’s Founders Chapel, and the reception at Park Manor . To reintroduce you to them, click on their engagement photo to see their engagement session.

Anyways, back to the wedding.

The day started out at Park Manor (also known as Inn at the Park) in Hillcrest where Audrey and her girls got ready for the big day.

Inn at the Park PhotosInn at the Park Photos

Inn at the Park Photos

Inn at the Park Photos

Inn at the Park Photos

The guys usually get ready much quicker than the ladies, and with much less fluff. I often have two or three times more photos of the ladies than the guys getting ready (if they choose to get any photos of them at all getting ready). Of course, the boys are still represented!

Founders Chappel USD

One of my favorite things as a photographer is when the couple work in a first look. This gives us a beautiful moment with the bride and groom, and allows the photographer (that is me in this case) to have more time to creatively pose the couple.Some first looks last longer than others, but that look on their face when they see each other for the first time is great!

Founders Chappel USD

Founders Chappel USD

Founders Chappel USD

I love Catholic weddings, partly because I love Catholic churches. Being a Catholic myself, I appreciate the structure of mass, the beauty of the buildings and architecture, and the general lack of cell phones (sometimes). As I mentioned previously, Brian and Audrey chose to get married in the Founders Chapel at University of San Diego, one of my favorite churches I have photographed.

Founders Chappel USD

Founders Chappel USD

Founders Chappel USD

Founders Chappel USD

Founders Chappel USD

Founders Chappel USD

Founders Chappel USD

Founders Chappel USD

Founders Chappel USD

Founders Chappel USD

One thing that I have tried to do to improve my photography is really focus on family formals. I have seen many photographers just go through the motions, and I am constantly doing my best to improve this section. To some couples, these may be the most important images from their wedding, with their closest friends and family to celebrate with them, so I am doing what I can to make those memories as good as possible.

That being said, the church made it quite easy for me, but with a bit of light from my strobe, I feel we produced a pretty nice result.

Founders Chappel USD

There are more with their family involved, but they look pretty similar to the one above, but with more people.

The young girl cracked me up in this next one, so she gets a full 3 photos dedicated to her.

Founders Chappel USD

And finally, the reception.

Park Manor

The light was BEAUTIFUL in this room, which made taking photos quite exciting.

Park Manor

Park Manor

Park Manor

Park Manor

Park Manor

Park Manor

Park Manor

Park Manor

Park Manor

I love taking my couples out during the reception to do a few more photos after everyone has loosed up a little. Since it was still quite early, we didnt do any nighttime shots, but still got some real fun images.

Park Manor

Park Manor

Park Manor

Park Manor

Park Manor

Also please enjoy the slideshow from Audrey and Brian’s wedding.

Thank you for looking!

Filed under: Photography, Weddings


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